Dosha Test

What is real health? Real health is not just the absence of disease. Ayurveda believes that our body is run by three doshas which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. A balance of these three doshas in the body further creates a balanced mind, balanced actions and a healthy YOU! So take this test to know what is your DOSHA?

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1/6 - know your constitution 1) How is your body frame?


2) How do you describe your body temperature?


3) Choose best option describing your eyes.


4) How is your skin texture?


5) Which option is more suitable for your hairs?


2/6 - know your constitution6) Pick up the most suitable option for your weight.


7) How are your joints ?


8) Which is best way to describe your hunger / appetite?


9) How is your digestion?


10) How is your bowel movement ?


3/6 - know your constitution11) How is your sleep?.


12) How do you describe your mood?


13) Pick a most suitable option for your nature


14) Which option is more suitable for your talking habit?


15) Choose best option describing your memory


4/6 - know your constitution16)How do you descibe your intellect?


17) Which option is best to describe your comprehensive skills?


18) How do you describe your imagination and artistic skills?


19) How do you respond to stress?


20) What is your level of feeling fear?


5/6 - know your constitution21)How is your general instincts?


22) Which option does describe your patience level?


23) How is your work habit?


24) Do you like sedentary work?


25) How is your stamina for work?


6/6 - know your constitution26)How good are you in fulfilling the commitments?


27) Which is most suitable option of your nature of helping other?


28) How do you handle a conflict?


29) How much do you trust others?


30) How is your mind?

